Schools workshop - Recycling and Sustainability

Secrets of waste education sessions at Wood Lane

Recycling and Sustainability Education Workshop

What you need to know...

Suitable for: KS2

Time: Full day session (10am to 2.30pm)

Location: Wood Lane Nature Reserve

Workshop content

Perfect to support topics on recycling, eco-councils or schools going for Eco-Schools Green Flag Awards. Our Secrets of Waste workshop provides a unique opportunity to visit the TG Group landfill site and recycling facility at Wood Lane. Discover the fascinating story of what happens to our rubbish and compare this with how nature recycles. The session includes an exciting trailer ride to see parts of the site not open to the public. 

This session can be doubled with our Darwin session for a full day experience at the Wood Lane nature reserve where we use local hero Charles Darwin to bring the ideas of evolution and inheritance to life. See first-hand how animals and plants have adapted to suit their environment in different ways and investigate how adaptation may lead to evolution.

Watch our video of schools' visits at Wood Lane Nature Reserve and see just how much fun and benefit the children get from getting their hands dirty outdoors.

So, contact our Education and Learning Team for more information about how we can help make your workshop an experience the class will remember.

Make a schools workshop enquiry